Forbidden Wolf Read online

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  “I was never and will never be yours. I would rather die.”

  “If you won’t accept me, that will be your fate.” He threw her toward a large boulder.

  Sam scrambled to get to her knees and watched him as he approached her. His wolf was practically taking over and his face was half morphed. His claws were out and ripping at his shirt. This was it; she could see his intent in his eyes.

  Sam stood and faced him with shoulders back. Her head hurt where she’d hit it when they crashed, but she pushed the pain back. His days of stalking her would end today, one way or another.

  “Submit to me,” he demanded.

  “Not in this lifetime.”

  He bent, about to change, but she wouldn’t let him. She ran forward, jumped up into the air, and tackled him again. She landed on top of his chest and the impact knocked the air out of him, keeping him from shifting.

  She clenched her tied hands to make a fist and struck him across the face. “You—will—never—hurt me again!”

  Carter tried to block her punches and shoved at her, knocking her off him. The coward got to his feet and started to limp away. Oh hell no! Samantha got up and ran after him then jumped on his back. She put him in a chokehold and held tight, cutting off some of his air. His claws scraped the side of her face and drew blood.


  “Yeah, I am, and this bitch didn’t need to shift to a wolf to kick your sorry ass!”

  He fell to his knees but she didn’t let go. She held tight, her only thought being to stop him from hurting her and those she loved permanently.


  Hearing her name, she turned her head to look behind her. “Brock!”

  At the distraction, Carter pulled out of her grip and shifted to his wolf form. He shook her off him and circled around, growling.

  She scrambled to get away from him, wishing she could shift. As he leaped for her throat, a body flew in front of her, blocking her from the attack. Sam froze at seeing Brock wrestling with Carter. The wolf’s teeth bit into Brock’s shoulder but Brock punched the side of Carter’s wolfy head, knocking him back at least ten feet. That had to hurt; Brock could leave a dent in a steel door.

  Sam wobbled to her feet, wanting to go help Brock, but a hand on her arm kept her from moving forward. She turned to face her stepfather, who took her in his arms.

  “Are you okay, honey?”

  “A bit bruised. I need to help Brock.”

  “No, he’s got this.”

  She looked on her other side and felt relieved. Alpha Ric and a few other members of the wolf pack were there in their wolf forms ready to lend aid to Brock if he needed it. Sam watched as Brock beat down on Carter over and over until Carter lay on the ground and shifted to his human form. He wasn’t moving. Brock sank his fangs into him and was draining him. It wouldn’t take much more to kill Carter. She wanted him dead, but she didn’t want Brock to have to be the one to carry the weight of his death.

  “Stop! Brock, stop. Don’t kill him!” She tried to move forward but Adrian was still holding on to her arm. She pleaded with her stepfather to let her go. When he finally did, she ran to Brock and called out his name again and again.

  Brock released Carter and looked over at Sam as she ran to him.


  “Samantha!” He dropped Carter’s head to the ground. He was still breathing but wasn’t moving.

  Sam leaped into Brock’s arms and kissed his cheeks. She used her hand to wipe Carter’s blood from his mouth and then kissed his lips. God, how she loved this man.

  “I love you, Brock.”

  “Samantha, I love you.”

  They held each other and kissed. Nothing else mattered except being in each other’s arms. Adrian cleared his throat to get their attention. Brock set her back on her feet but held her close to him.

  “We’re taking him in to face council justice,” Adrian told them.

  Sam looked over as Alpha Ric and the other wolf pack members tied Carter up and hauled him to his feet.

  “What is this?” Brock asked as he pulled at the rope still binding her hands together but couldn’t get it off.

  “It’s magically spelled,” Sam told him.

  “I have someone who can take that off,” Adrian said as he reached for his phone.

  “Who’s he calling?” Sam wrapped her arms around Brock’s neck and nuzzled it.

  “The witch, the one Adrian had fly in to help us find you.”

  “Wow, you guys went all out just for me?”

  Brock took her face in his hands. “We would do anything for you.”


  Two weeks later

  Sam finished typing up the proposal for a new club that Adrian planned to open in Atlanta. She would be flying there with Brock to scout out possible locations.

  Adrian had told her it could wait if she needed to take time off to recuperate from the ordeal with Carter, but it had been two weeks. She was ready to move forward with her life and she didn’t want to wait one more moment.

  The phone rang and the caller ID showed that it was her mother. “Hi, Mom.”

  “Sam, are you still coming over for dinner?”

  “Yes, Brock and I will be there about eight thirty.”

  “Great. Could you bring a bag of ice? The icemaker stopped working for some reason. Adrian invited the whole pack over tonight and you know how thirsty werewolves can get.”

  “Yes, I know. We’ll bring the ice.” She hung up the phone and made a note to remind herself. Her mom was starting to warm up to Brock, which made things a lot easier. The hardest thing she had to do was say goodbye to Ben. She hated breaking his heart but he accepted that she was in love with someone else. He promised to come back and visit, but she doubted he would.

  “What has you looking so sad?”

  Startled, she looked up to find Brock standing in the doorway. She smiled at him and her heart skipped a beat. “What?”

  He moved into the room and leaned his hip against the desk. “You had a sad look on your face just now. What were you thinking about?”

  “Oh, Ben. I was thinking how I hope he has a good life.”

  “Are you sorry that you ended things with him?”

  Sam shook her head. “No, this is how things were meant to be.”

  “No regrets?”

  She shook her head again. “None.”

  Brock brushed her cheek with his fingers. “The scar’s almost completely healed.”

  “It took longer because of that magical rope Carter put on me. I’m fine, though.”

  “You certainly are—fine.”

  “Brock.” She knew she was blushing.

  He moved to kneel before her. “There’s a question I’ve been meaning to ask you.”

  “What question?” Her heart started thumping loudly.

  He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small box. “I have been waiting for you my whole life.”

  “Oh my God.”

  “My soul recognized yours as its other half at first sight. Will you marry me?”

  She couldn’t stop the tears that came. “Yes! Yes, I’ll marry you! I love you, Brock.”

  “I love you, my beautiful wolf.” He pulled her into his arms and kissed her, taking her breath away. Life was looking up for Sam, and she couldn’t wait to live the rest of hers with the man she loved.


  “Another shot, please,” Cat asked the bartender. He gave her a sexy smile and went to grab a bottle from the cooler.

  “Don’t you think you’ve had enough?” a voice said from behind her.

  She stiffened, recognizing the voice immediately. “That’s my business.” She turned around to face the man who had been plaguing her dreams for weeks now—Jay Baker.

  “Here ya go, beautiful.” The bartender plopped the bottle down on the counter and gave Jay a glare before going off to help another customer.

  Cat took the bottle and raised it slowly to her lips. She
licked the rim of the bottle and then took it into her mouth to drink. She heard Jay growl and looked up into his dark eyes that were glowing. She lowered her hand and licked her lips.

  Jay reached out and grabbed the bottle from her. “I’m making it my business.”

  About the Author

  KD Jones has published more than forty books in five different series. She has been a huge fan of both romance novels and science fiction novels since she was sixteen years old. Her favorite television shows growing up were Star Trek and Doctor Who. When not writing, she can usually be found curled up on the couch with a good book, working on her hobby of photography, or spending time with her family. As a single working mom, she wants to show her son that a person can follow their dreams no matter how old they are and where they are in life. Dreams can come true if you work hard and believe in yourself.

  KD Jones Book Series, Book List

  Katieran Prime Series

  Katieran Prime (Book 1)

  Prime Commander (Book 2)

  Prime Medic (Book 3)

  Kiljorn Prime (Book 4)

  Prime Deliverance (Book 5)

  Prime Salvation (Book 6)

  Colonial Prime (Book 7)

  Katieran Prime Celebration (Book 7.5)

  Kiljorn Commander (Book 8)

  Katieran Prime Miracle (Book 9)

  Colonial Commander (Book 10)

  Infiltration (Book 11)

  Galactic Cage Fighter Series

  Rage (Book 1)

  Talon (Book 2)

  Taurus (Book 3)

  Zara (Book 4)

  Hammer (Book 5)

  Zen (Book 6)

  Torch (Book 7)

  Maxim (Book 8)

  Ronin (Book 9)

  Nigel (Book 10)

  Earth Evolution Series

  Desolation (Book 1)

  Resistance (Book 2)

  Atonement (Book 3)

  Strange Lake Falls Series

  Strange Lake Falls Vampire (Book 1)

  Strange Lake Falls Werewolf (Book 2)

  Strange Lake Falls Vampire Mistress (Book 3)

  Strange Lake Falls Panther (Book 4)

  Strange Lake Falls Gypsy Wolf (Book 5)

  Inter-Galactic Bounty Hunter Series

  Inter-Galactic Bounty Hunter (Book 1)

  Tempting Bounty (Book 2)

  Rising Bounty (Book 3)

  Polar Bear Express Series

  Her Big Bad Polar Bear (Book 1)

  Leaving Triad Series

  Leaving Triad (Book 1)

  Patrolling The Stars (Book 2)