Forbidden Wolf Read online

Page 6

  “I love him like a father but he didn’t tell me the truth. How can I ever trust either of you again?”

  Brock fell to his knees before her shocking her once more. “I will do anything to prove to you that you can trust me. Just give me a chance, please.”

  “Things must have changed if Adrian helped you end your mating.”

  “He finally accepted that we were meant to be. The question is can you accept it?”

  She believed that he was sincere and could even believe that Adrian had not intended to hurt her. She took a deep breath and released it. Some of the tension eased out of her. She looked into his beautiful dark eyes and knew with all certainty that this man was hers. What should she do? Forgive him and give him a chance to make up for it? Or should she punish both of them and deny what she felt to the depths of her soul?

  “I’m not going to trust you right away, you’ll have to earn that trust back by being honest with me.”

  “I swear to you that I will.”

  She placed a hand on his cheek looking into his eyes. It was like they were already connected somehow. “I will give you a chance, don’t screw it up.”

  Chapter 16

  A few hours later

  Sam sat at the desk and stared into the computer screen, not really seeing anything. She couldn’t seem to concentrate for very long without getting distracted by her thoughts of Brock. Had she made the right decision to work on forgiving him? He didn’t tell her that he loved her, but there was some deep emotion she could see in his eyes. She almost stayed home with him, but she just started this job and didn’t want to let Adrian down.

  Her intercom beeped. “Yes?”

  “Sam, the alcohol delivery is here. Do you want me to sign off on it or were you going to come look at how it’s handled?” her bar manager, Jake, asked. She had wanted to learn every aspect of the club by shadowing the staff and managers.

  “I’ll be right down.” She clicked on the sleep feature on her computer to lock it before she left. The twins, Rod and Jay, were right outside the door. They were taking all this seriously.

  “Where are you going?” Rod asked.

  “Downstairs to help Jake with the alcohol delivery.”

  “Rod will go with you,” Jay said. “He can help unload the truck as long as you stay inside the building. I’ll shift to wolf and circle the perimeter.”

  “Is that wise? What if someone sees you in your wolf form and calls animal control?”

  Jay laughed. “They’ll probably think I’m a stray dog, a really big one. I promise to keep my distance from the humans.” He walked off.

  Rod waited for her by the stairs and they descended together.

  “Has there been anything suspicious?” she asked.

  He shook his head. “No, it’s been pretty quiet except for the vampire.”

  “What vampire?”

  “Your boyfriend with fangs.”

  “Brock? What’s going on with Brock?”

  “He’s called twice checking on you.”

  “He did?” Why did that make her feel so happy?

  “Yes. Jay and he don’t really get along very well.”


  “Jay has a little crush on you and vamp man knows it.”

  “Jay has a crush on me? Why didn’t he ever say anything?” She was kind of glad that he hadn’t. Jay and Rod were both gorgeous but she and her wolf only had eyes for Brock.

  “He did; he told me about it and how it frustrated him that his wolf didn’t respond to you so he never pressed it. Don’t feel bad for him, though. He’s got a thing for a human waitress who works here so he spends his time flirting with her.”

  “Well, tell him that for now the staff is off limits.”

  “Hell no, I ain’t telling him that. You can, or better yet, have Brocky do it.”

  “Please don’t call him that stuff when he comes.”

  “Whatever, beautiful. I’m at your beck and call.”

  She rolled her eyes and went to the back hallway leading to the loading dock. Her bar manager was already there with the delivery guy. Rod walked around the storeroom making sure it was secure.

  She spent the next thirty minutes taking notes on the whole process. Jake was really well organized. She liked him. He seemed confident, smart, and it didn’t hurt that he was easy on the eyes. Her friends would always flirt with him whenever they came into the club. Her wolf had no interest in the human.

  The delivery was done and she wanted to head back to the office to work on typing up a standard operating procedure. If they needed to hire a new bar manager, she wanted to make sure they had a set way of training them.

  “I’ll be downstairs if you need me,” Rod told her abruptly as they reached the upper level.

  “Okay.” That was weird. Rod and Jay had been standing outside the office door the whole day.

  Sam opened the door and entered. Her wolf was at full alert when it caught the scent of her mate. “Brock?”

  Sam was turned around and swung up into big, strong arms. “I’ve missed you.”

  Then he swooped down and kissed her. She was helpless to fight her feelings for him, and her wolf was ecstatic. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. There were so many things they still needed to work out, but their chemistry wasn’t one of them. They had been attracted to one another from the beginning.

  “I missed you, too,” she admitted when he released her lips. She pressed her body close and began rubbing her breasts against his chest. He reached for her ass, lifted her, and carried her over to the desk.

  “When can we leave?” He nuzzled against her neck and her wolf rumbled in pleasure.

  She snorted. “You just got here.”

  “I want to take you back to the apartment and do what I should have done years ago—claim you.”

  Her canines started to come out with the need to mark him as hers. “You can’t say things like that to me while I’m at work. My wolf is barely leashed right now.”

  He pulled back and looked into her eyes. “Let me see her—your wolf.”

  Her eyes glowed gold as her wolf moved forward. He smiled. “Don’t worry, my wolf. I’ll claim both of you and you’ll claim me. I won’t ever leave you.”

  Sam couldn’t stop the howl that rose up in her throat. “Damn it, Brock. She’s restless and pushing for a shift.”

  “Let’s go to the apartment, and I’ll order us some food to be delivered. After we make love, I’ll take you to the woods for your wolf to shift and run.”

  There was no way she could say no to any of that. Her wolf wouldn’t let her. “Fine, let’s go. Whatever I need to finish I can do from the laptop at the apartment.”

  Chapter 17

  Brock couldn’t wait to get her alone. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders as they left the office, and nodded at the wolf twins as they passed them going down the stairs. One twin he kept an eye on. The male watched Samantha way too much for his liking.

  Samantha waved at the night manager. “You can reach me on my cell phone if you need me. Have a good night.”

  “See you tomorrow afternoon, Sam!”

  Brock opened the door for her. The parking lot only had a handful of cars from the staff coming in. The club would open in another hour and the parking lot would be full.

  “Did you have any problems today?”

  She gave him a funny look. “You should know how things went since you called to check up on me several times.”

  He shrugged. “I couldn’t rest without knowing you were safe. When I’m not with you I worry.”

  They had just entered the secured stairwell. She growled and reached for him, pulling him to her and kissing him aggressively. Damn, it was fucking hot. His hands reached for her ass, nice and firm and plump. He couldn’t wait to take her, but not in the entryway to her apartment where anyone could see them. He wouldn’t share her.

  “Baby, let’s wait until we’re in the apartment.”

  Sam was
trying to undo the buttons on his shirt. “I want you, my wolf is pushing for me to claim you, and neither of us has ever been patient.”

  He chuckled. “Well then, I’ll get us some privacy.” He lifted her fireman style, throwing her over his shoulder. It put her rounded ass in his face and he couldn’t resist slapping it gently.

  “Hey! No spanking.” She twisted so that she could look at him.

  Brock lifted an eyebrow at her then smacked her ass again before rubbing it. Her arousal filled the air and he was tempted to screw going up to the apartment and take her right there on the stairs. The scents of other vampires close by outside reminded him that they would have witnesses.

  “Come on, beautiful. I’ve been thinking about this ass all day.” He jogged up the stairs, grateful she was sturdy enough that he wouldn’t hurt her. He used the key to unlock the door and quickly entered the code to the alarm system. There was an eight-second time frame in which to enter the door and then deactivate the alarm. It would reset automatically when the door was closed and locked.

  “You can let me down now.”

  He smacked her bottom again. “Not yet.”

  Brock carried her into the bedroom and gently tossed her onto the bed. She bounced and giggled. It was nice to see her with a smile on her face.

  “You’re such a caveman, Brock.”

  “You have no idea.” He started to remove his shirt, which she had gotten unbuttoned, but slowed his movements when he caught sight of her watching his every move. She could try to deny a lot of things, but she could never hide her desire for him.

  “You need to get undressed, too, if you don’t want me to rip your clothes off.”

  Sam gave him a sexy smile as she sat up on her knees. She pulled her dress up and over her head, not even bothering with the buttons. She wore a red bra and panty set and he drooled over the perfection of her body.

  When she removed her bra he stopped what he was doing to watch her.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “I have never in my lifetime seen anything as beautiful as you.”

  The smile she gave him was radiant. “I think you’re beautiful, too.”

  “Men are handsome, not beautiful.”

  “I think you’re the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen.”

  Sam sat back on her ass and slowly removed her panties, which she tossed to the floor. Then she opened her legs and gave him a view of heaven.

  He shucked out of his pants and kicked his boots off. Completely bare, he stalked around the bed, taking in every angle of her he could. “I have tried to picture you like this so many times, but nothing could compare to the reality of you.”

  “I dreamed of you, too, so many nights.”

  “Did you ever stroke yourself while thinking of me?”

  Her face turned a lovely shade of pink. “Yes,” she whispered.

  “I thought of you, too, when I did this.” He grabbed his cock and began stroking it. Her eyes were glued to his dick and he could see the glow of her wolf peeking out.

  She spread her legs farther apart, reached down, and massaged her opening until juices appeared. Damn, watching her pleasure herself was fucking hot. Some of his cum leaked out of his dick. As much as he loved seeing her do that, he longed to taste her.

  He released his cock and moved toward the bed. He knelt on the mattress and crawled up her body. She smelled so good. Gripping her thighs, he moved them wider to fit his upper body there. Then he pushed her hand away and took over stroking her with his hands and tongue.

  “Brock!” It didn’t take long for her to call out his name in pleasure. He couldn’t hold back anymore—he had to have her.

  Brock climbed up her body and placed his cock at her entrance. “Are you ready?”

  They looked into each other’s eyes and the answer was there before she spoke. “Claim me, Brock.”

  He took her lips in a fierce, passionate kiss as he surged forward and plunged his cock in her tight passage. “Fuck! You’re so tight.”

  Sam was breathing in short raspy breaths. “You’re big—like, really big.”

  “Am I hurting you? I should have gone slower.”

  “Give me a second. It doesn’t hurt as much as it feels really full.”

  When she started moving her hips, he knew it was time. He began a slow and steady rhythm in and out of her. Pulling out had a sort of painful pleasure, and each time he submerged it was like coming home.

  “Faster, Brock. I need you to go faster and deeper.”

  He growled and pumped at a new angle. Her wolf’s eyes glowed and he knew they were both about to release. He nuzzled her neck, scraping his vampire fangs against her skin.

  “Bite me, Brock,” Samantha whispered.

  He didn’t need more encouragement. He let his fangs sink in and he drank her sweet blood. It felt like her very essence was saturating him. Then he felt her canines sink into his neck. Explosions went off in their bodies and minds as their souls started to connect. His seed shot out in long continuous streams. Her nails elongated and dug into his flesh, drawing blood. Brock felt more of his seed leaving him and she screamed his name again in pleasure. He didn’t pull out right away but held her while rolling them over. He lay on his back and pulled her to rest on top of his chest.

  “Oh my God, Brock, that was incredible.”

  He smiled. “I’m just getting started with you, sweetheart.”

  “Oh boy.”

  Chapter 18

  The next day

  Sam was feeling on top of the world. She and Brock spent their night pretty much in bed. They did order pizza but that was the only interruption they had. He filled the tub with sudsy water and they got in together, then he proceeded to wash every inch of her. She never wanted to leave that tub, but she couldn’t hide from the outside forever.

  “I’m sure that Adrian wouldn’t mind if you decided to take the day off.” Brock was trying to convince her to stay with him.

  She shook her head. “If I want to be taken seriously by the staff, I have to show them that I am earning my position and not taking advantage of who my stepfather is.”

  “Has anyone said anything to you?”

  Sam smiled seeing his instant concern for her. He looked like he was ready to rip someone’s head off. She put her hand on his arm. “No one would dare say anything to me, but I can imagine what some of them are thinking.”

  “You don’t have to prove anything to anyone, honey.”

  “I know that, but I want to prove to myself I can do this and to Adrian that he’s not making a mistake.”

  He kissed her cheek. “You could blow up the club and Adrian would still think you walk on water. He loves you like a daughter.”

  “I am still upset with him for not telling me the truth about you being already mated, but I’ll forgive him because I love him. He’s always been better to me than my own father.”

  “Does that bother you that you don’t see your father much?”

  “At the beginning, after he and Mom divorced, he was real good about getting me for his visitations. He slowly started showing up less and less as he began to really live his single life. He stopped bringing me gifts for birthdays and holidays, and started mailing me checks or gift cards. I hoped for the longest time that my dad really did want to be with me, he was just so busy with work, until I turned fourteen.”

  “What happened?”

  “My dad called right before my birthday and told me that he couldn’t get me for his weekend because he had to go out of town for work. I was devastated. I had told all my friends we were going to the beach for my birthday with my dad. I had my suitcase packed and sitting at the door, waiting. I told him I was disappointed but that I understood that he had to work. When I hung up the phone I collapsed in tears on the floor.”

  “Oh, baby.” Brock took her into his arms and held her.

  “My mom overheard what was going on and told me that she would take me to the beach. It wasn’t the same
, but I thought I could still tell my friends I went to the beach. I was already packed.” She half laughed and wiped away a tear she hadn’t realized had fallen down her cheek. Damn it! It still affected her after all these years.

  “So we got in the car and drove down to the family beach house, the one piece of property that my mom and dad had agreed to share and use, alternating, for vacations. Mom was unloading the car and I ran to unlock the door. I couldn’t wait to change into my swimsuit and go swimming. I opened the door and heard noises coming from the bedroom. I was about to go tell my mom, worried that we were being robbed, but I recognized a voice. It was my dad; he was talking to some unseen woman about how wonderful it was to take some time off from work and get away. Then they started giggling, which turned to moaning. I felt sick inside and ran out, leaving the door open behind me. I threw up by the time I got back to the car. I told my mom what happened.”

  “What did she do?”

  Sam smiled. “She had me wait in the car while she went inside and pretty much told him off. After that, I stopped doing things with my father. He tried to take my mom to court, claiming she was keeping me from him, but I testified to the judge about all the times my father didn’t show up to see me and that it should be my choice whether I wanted to spend time with my dad or not. The judge agreed with me. So after that, my dad would sometimes call to see if he could see me but it was my choice.”

  “I can’t believe any father would treat his child like that. It’s the one thing that I regret not being able to have—a family of my own from my own. We can adopt, if you want. I want to give you everything you deserve.”

  Sam tilted her head to the side. “You are of Adrian’s line, so wouldn’t you be able to father a child, too?”

  “I—don’t know. I would have to ask Adrian and Mistress Lila. I have their blood running through my veins so it is possible. I hadn’t thought about it before. Would you want a child with me?”