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Redemption (Earth Evolution Series Book 6) Page 8

  Nix wanted to say something to fix the tension between them, but there was no time. She had to leave now to get that travel cart. Hopefully once they were on their way, she would have a little time to talk to him. At least, that was the plan. Things didn’t always work out the way she wanted them to.


  Corey was both frustrated and angry that Nix would pull rank on him like that. What the hell! He’d thought that they were working as partners, and more than that, he had felt that they were becoming closer emotionally, especially now that they were both aware of their shared past. Obviously she didn’t feel the same as he did. Maybe she wanted to punish him for not remembering their first time? Okay, he could understand if she was still angry about that. He hated that he couldn’t remember all the details of that night. It haunted him. He wanted to make up for it, but now he wondered whether Nix would even give him a chance to. It felt like she was pushing him away, putting up an emotional wall between them, and he wanted to smash it down. Out of frustration, he kicked the wall with his boot.

  Fourteen minutes later, Nix returned. Some of his tension left in the flood of relief at seeing she was safe. “Did everything go okay?”

  “Yes, Warrior Vendy didn’t ask me too many questions. If we leave now, we can avoid being seen by the changing of security.”

  He grabbed their backpacks and tossed her one. “Let’s go then.”

  As he walked past her, he could feel her eyes on him. He wasn’t sure now was the right time for them to talk; they really needed to get going. It would be far more sensible to put their emotions to the side for now so that they can concentrate on the mission. He stepped out of the apartment resolutely, knowing she’d be right behind him.

  “Where’s the cart?”

  “Vendy is leaving it for us at the edge of the tunnel. He’s going to make sure that the guards are distracted enough so that they don’t see us leaving. The cart won’t make much noise, but we’ll need to keep the lights off to avoid attracting attention.”

  “What did you tell Warrior Vendy?”

  “I just told him that we needed to leave immediately to check something out, but that I couldn’t give him any details.”

  “He just let you take a cart without any explanation?” Corey asked, not quite believing it. If even Maggie asked him for a cart, he would have questioned her until he had the truth.

  She frowned at him. “He trusts me. Maybe you should as well.” With that last statement, she stormed away, leaving him to watch after her.

  He knew she was right—he should trust her; she had done nothing to make him doubt her. It was his own insecurities and jealousy that had him acting like an asshole. If there was a chance for them to have a future together, he needed to show his faith in her, and that she could count on him as well.

  Chapter 11

  Two hours later

  They hadn’t managed to talk much while they traveled the dark tunnels. The few times he tried to say something, it came out wrong and she became angry, making the atmosphere very uncomfortable. He was glad that they would soon arrive to their destination so that they could actually put a little physical space between them. He needed to regroup and figure out another way to reach out to her.

  While traveling in the tunnel, they could use the cart’s lights, but when they neared a tribe location, they had to turn them off. It was always a tense moment of worry that their presence would be seen. As they approached the next tribe, they turned the lights of the travel cart off again, moving quietly to find a good place to park. Corey recognized the area they were in.

  “This is a smaller tribe, I think there were maybe fifteen people living here the last time I passed through.”

  “Is the tribe leader Drastan-friendly?”

  “Leadership changed over, so I’m not sure who the new tribe leader is. If he or she is allowing Drastan healers to work here, then I would assume they are friendly to the Drastans.”

  “We’ll need to proceed with caution. I’ll find out what I can from the Drastan healers,” Nix offered.

  “While you do that, I’ll look around and see if I find someone who has information about the resistance.”

  “Be careful,” she said, reaching for his hand. She gave it a quick squeeze before letting go.

  Corey was surprised by her touch and it warmed him. “You too.” Corey wanted to take her in his arms and never let her leave him, but there was no time. They needed to find the guy that had attacked them before he managed to disappear again. He could get them a good lead on the resistance leader.

  He had to let Nix do her job. It was hard, though, letting her go off alone. His instincts screamed at him to go with her, but he couldn’t tell if it was just a personal feeling or one related to the mission. He didn’t like the way things stood between them. He wished they could have talked more on the way there, cleared the air between them, so his head would be clearer for the mission. Hopefully, once this mission was over, they could work out their issues, because he really didn’t want to give her up, not now. Maybe not ever.


  Nix had turned back once to watch Corey walk away. She hated that things were so tense between them. On the way there, she’d spent so much time thinking about how to open a conversation between them, but she didn’t know what to say. She knew they needed to have a serious talk, but maybe it was best to wait until after this misson was over. She had to have a clear head to do her job.

  She moved quietly, keeping her head down as she walked toward one of the Drastan warriors standing guard near a new construction site. She was glad to see that these warriors were taking their duties seriously.

  “Hold there. Who are you and what business do you have here?”

  She pushed the hood to her jacket back to expose her face. The warrior didn’t look like he recognized her and she didn’t recognize him. He must be from one of the other ships in the fleet.

  “Be at ease, warrior. I’m Lieutenant Nix Saber from the command ship.”

  The warrior looked at her doubtfully as he used his handheld computer to take a picture of her face for facial recognition. It took a few seconds before it confirmed her identity. He looked up at her. “I’m Warrior Davens. What can I do for you Lieutenant Saber?”

  “First, do not report seeing me. I’m here by request of Commander Estro and it’s imperative that my presence is not revealed for now.”

  “Are you alone?”

  “I can’t answer that, for safety reasons.”

  “I am to report anything unusual to my superior.”

  “I can appreciate you wanting to follow protocols. I just ask for discretion. Hold off reporting our interaction.”

  “Hold off for how long?”

  “A day, if possible.”

  “I will give you twelve hours before I report your presence to my superior. Any longer and I will be subject to discipline.”

  She nodded. “I understand. There is another thing you can help me with. I am in search of an injured human who came to this tribe yesterday to have Drastan healers work on him.”

  “I’m sorry, I was off duty yesterday.”

  “Did the human register with the healers?” she asked. It was a new safety measure the commander had implemented that anyone coming in for treatments must register their personal information with the healers. That way, healers would be able to follow up with humans who received treatment. Many humans travel from smaller tribes to be treated.

  Warrior Davens pulled up the information on his computer. “Four human females, two of them children, were registered with names and facial recognition. Three males came in, but two of them refused to register.”

  “Were they still treated?”

  “Yes, our healers would not refuse someone injured.”

  “Was there at least facial data taken?”

  “No, but I do have a listing of what their injuries were. Would that help?”

  “Yes, it would.”

  “One male was treated for
a shoulder wound made by a blade. The other male had his leg and side treated. Suspected blaster wound.”

  That was the male they were looking for, she thought. “Is the male still here or has he left?”

  “I am unsure. The healers have staffing available overnight. You might find more information from them.”

  She frowned, not sure whether she should go back to get Corey or go see the healers to find out what she could from them. Wasting time could cause them to lose their only lead. “I have one more favor to ask of you.”

  “Whatever you need, Lieutenant.”


  Corey shook hands with the tribe leader, Turner Parks. Parks was very open and seemed to be telling the truth. He unfortunately didn’t have any details about anyone coming in and out for treatments, only about his own tribespeople.

  “Thank you for your time,” Corey said politely. He was about to leave and go in search of Nix when Parks stopped him.

  “Nash, I have something to ask of you.”

  Corey looked at him in surprise. “Of course, what is it?”

  “The resistance is rumored to be spreading and heading in this direction. I haven’t experience any problems, but I’m worried after talking to other leaders who’ve had to deal with them that I won’t be able to handle them with the security we have now. There have been tribe wars and even struggles for leadership. I’ve sent a request for more security from the dome leaders, but haven’t gotten a response. The Drastan warriors have been great, but they’ll be leaving soon and we need a more permanent solution until these resistance rebels are handled.”

  “I’ll notify Commander Estro of the situation. He can meet with the dome leaders to discuss providing more security to all the tribes.”

  “Thanks, and good luck.”

  Corey turned and began walking back to the travel cart, looking for any sign of Nix. A warrior stood next to the cart, putting Corey on alert. He slowed his steps and looked around to see if he was being surrounded. The warrior caught sight of him and moved in his direction.

  “Are you Warrior Corey Nash?”

  “Yes,” he answered, feeling uneasy about this. Why had he been addressed as a warrior unless Nix referred to him that way?

  “Lieutenant Saber asked me to relay a message to you that she is going to the healers’ campsite to question them. I told her of the visitors that came in for treatments. Not all of them registered with the healers, but Lieutenant Saber recognized one by his injury. She went to speak with the healers and asked that I come here to inform you.”

  Fuck! She’d gone there alone. After the warning the tribe leader had just given him about the unrest, it was far too dangerous for her to be out there alone. “Show me where the healers’ campsite is located. Now!”


  As Nix approached the building the healers were using, she became aware that someone was watching her. She turned but didn’t see anyone. She knocked on the door and waited. A tall Drastan healer opened the door cautiously.

  “Can I help you?”

  “Yes, may we speak privately instead of out in the open?”

  “Are you injured?” The healer opened the door wider to allow her to enter.

  “No, I just have a few questions for you.” She walked in and was grateful the hallway was empty. She waited for the healer to show her where to go.

  “I have an office down at the end of the hallway on the left.”

  She followed him and waited until he closed the door. There was a desk and two chairs but other than that, the room was pretty bare.

  “We just got this building constructed to use as our healing center,” he said apologetically. “Just two days ago we were working out of tents, so excuse the chaos.”

  “It’s no problem.” She pushed her hood back and looked at the healer, who froze in the middle of sitting down.

  “You’re Drastan.”

  “Lieutenant Nix Saber from the command ship. I’m here on a mission.”

  “Healer Zed Rozer. What can I do for you?”

  “I need any information you can provide on a human male you treated yesterday.”

  “What’s his name?”

  “He apparently refused to be registered. He came in with injuries to his leg and side.”

  Healer Rozer reached for his computer. “Yes, there was a human who we treated for what appeared to be...blaster wounds. He called himself Charlie but gave no last name, would not tell us how he received the injuries, and refused to register with us.”

  “When did he leave?”

  “He hasn’t been discharged yet. Some of his wounds were quite deep, requiring sedation. He was advised to remain here overnight to have his injuries reassessed in the morning. He agreed and was given a bed.”

  “He’s still here?”


  Nix stood up so fast she almost knocked her chair over. Her heart was racing. “Show me.”

  Healer Rozer stood, concern evident on his face. “Is there a problem?”

  “I believe that this male may be the one that attacked me and my fellow warrior yesterday. I need to take him into custody and question him.”

  “What about his friend?”

  “Friend? There’s someone with him?”

  “Yes, but his injuries were less severe and we discharged him yesterday. He came in earlier today to check on his friend but hasn’t been back.”

  “I need to see the male right away.”

  “Of course, come this way.” The healer opened the door and started out, but then the lights went dark. She heard a grunt and then something hitting the floor. She blinked until her eyes adjusted and she could see that the healer had fallen to the floor.

  “Healer Rozer?” She knelt down and turned him over. There was a little blood by his temple. She checked for a pulse, relieved that he was still breathing. What had happened? She looked up just in time to see the fist come down and hit her in the face. She didn’t even have time to reach for her blaster. Nix opened her mouth to scream but was hit again with another hard fist. Dazed and in pain, her first thought was anger that she had been taken by surprise, but the second thought immediately after that was to hope that Corey was safe. If the resistance knew about her, they could know about Corey, too. He could be in danger and she was helpless to do anything about it. Then pain splintered her thoughts as someone struck her again and everything faded to black.

  Chapter 12

  Corey shoved past the warriors in front of him at the entrance to the building where the healers were supposedly located. He noticed that a man was lying on the ground with several other men kneeling next to him with medical equipment. Looking around the room, he didn’t see Nix, and that bothered him greatly.

  “What happened?” he demanded.

  The Drastans looked at him in surprise. They weren’t used to a human speaking so forcefully with them. Fortunately, the warrior that had brought him, Warrior Davens, backed his authority up immediately. “This is Warrior Nash. He’s been training on the command ship and is here on Commander Estro’s orders.”

  Corey repeated his earlier question. “What happened here?”

  The healer on the floor mumbled as he was pulled to a sitting position. He looked up at Corey in confusion. “Are you working with Lieutenant Saber?”

  “Yes, I am. Where the hell is she?”

  “I was getting ready to take her to see the patient that came in yesterday who had been sedated and needed monitoring for another night. When I stepped out of my office, the lights went out and I was hit in the back of the head. I didn’t see who hit me, but I could hear scuffling going on behind me. I’m sorry, I couldn’t stop them from taking her.”

  Fuck! Corey ran a hand through his hair. His stomach was rolling with anxiety. Someone had taken Nix. He needed to keep his emotions under control, think clearly. Flipping out won’t help the situation, it wouldn’t save Nix.

  “Did anyone see a woman being dragged away?” Corey looked at the men surroundin
g him.

  One of the warriors stepped forward. “The lights in this area went down for about ten minutes. By the time we were able to repair the lights and get the power back on, she was gone and there was no trace of who took her. I will send warriors out to question the humans but...most likely, they won’t speak up out of fear.”

  Corey agreed that the people in the tribe might not speak up, but there was always a chance someone would be brave. There had to be some other way to find out what happened. If the resistance was just going to kill her outright, the Drastans would have found her body already. God, the thought of her lying somewhere hurt or possibly dead caused a sharp pain in his chest.

  “What about cameras? Do you have a security feed that might show us something?”

  Warrior Davens pulled out his handheld computer immediately. “Yes. I’ll see if it caught anything.”

  “Great, but we need to send out a team of warriors to search for her. If the resistance has her, there’s no telling what they might do to her,” Corey told them. By the looks on their faces, they agreed with his assessment. When the warriors just stood there staring at each other, Corey went into action.

  “Look, I’m searching for her no matter what, with or without your help.” He stepped past the warriors next to the entrance to the building.

  “Warrior Nash!” the warrior who had spoken earlier objected. “You need to follow my orders, I’m in charge of security in this section.”

  “My orders come straight from Commander Estro and supercede yours. We don’t have the time to waste, we need to find her now!” Corey held the other man’s eyes until he nodded, accepting Corey’s authority.

  “Come with me to review the feeds. The rest of you separate into three teams of two and start searching while you question the tribe,” Warrior Davens ordered. The men finally began to move into action.

  Corey began to follow Warrior Davens but paused to turn back to the healer who was being helped to his feet. “Is that patient still here?”