Redemption (Earth Evolution Series Book 6) Page 6
They made their way to the subway loading platform. A few other humans were sitting on benches waiting for a subcar to come through. She moved closer to Corey so he could hear her say quietly, “This must seem so strange to you, seeing your people waiting for a subcar when they used to be motionless for years—used solely for living spaces.”
“It is. Sometimes it’s hard to remember the time before that, too painful to remember. Seeing a working subway again is kind of surreal.”
He shook his head but didn’t say anything else. She didn’t press him about it either. There were too many people around who might overhear their conversation. Luckily, the subcar arrived. It definitely wasn’t anything like the transportation her people used on Drasta, but the improvements made with the power sources and equipment the Drastans had given them would provide for the humans for years, maybe decades. It would give them a huge stepping stone to moving forward and getting their planet back.
She followed him on board the subcar and he chose a seat for them in the back corner, away from the others. Sitting down next to a window out of the direct sight of most people, she felt more at ease and lifted her head to inspect their surroundings. Thankfully the subcar wasn’t completely full of people.
Nix felt his body heat radiating into her, they were sitting so close. It felt good—too good. She needed to distract herself from reacting to his nearness. “What were you like before the disaster?” she asked.
“I thought I knew it all, could do anything I wanted to without consequences. I was stupid.”
“You were young.”
“Yes, I was, young and cocky. I acted out against authority. I was always trying to prove others were wrong and I was right. I questioned my dad, my teachers, the police…”
She snorted, “That does not surprise me.”
He gave her a smile. “Guess that part of me is still the same. I took so many things for granted. Maybe I could have done more to repair the damage to me and my father’s relationship. Some regrets I’ll just have to live with.”
“If you had been any closer to your father, you might not have skipped your school and made it to the subway and survived.” The thought of Corey possibly being dead made her stomach tighten with fear. Her anger at him not remembering their night together was growing harder to hold onto all the time.
“Who knows, really? Life sure has changed since then.”
“What do you miss most about your old life?”
“Ice cream.”
“It’s this frozen dessert made out of milk that was just delicious. There isn’t anything better than a double scoop chocolate ice cream cone on a hot summer’s day.”
“Milk? The fluid that comes from your bovine animal?”
He chuckled. “Yes, it tastes much better than you think. Maggie is trying to find something that can replicate it but she’s really not good in the kitchen.”
Nix smiled, “I had made the mistake of eating something she made for dinner. I couldn't get out of it. Liam had insisted I stay.”
“Was it bad?”
“I had ever put in my mouth. It was supposed to be something she called a chili, but it bent my spoon and when I got it in my mouth, I worried my teeth would break.”
“Not the chili!” Corey almost doubled over with laughter. She couldn’t help but admire his laugh and smile. His dimple showed and it made him way too appealing for his own good. For her own good, in any case. Glancing around, she saw she wasn’t the only female to notice him either.
“Maggie has always been a horrible cook, but she means well.”
“I pretended to get a message to come to the training center so that I wouldn’t have to eat the rest. Liam knew what I was doing but thankfully allowed me to escape.” She smiled at the memory. “I owe him for that and so many other things.”
Corey turned to look at her, his gaze intense. He tried to dial it back. “You seem really close to Captain Estro. Was there more to your relationship?”
She shrugged. “Like I said before, the Estro family had always treated me like family.”
“Right, but I sense there was a special connection between you and Liam.”
Glancing away, she sighed. “I kind of had a crush on him when I was younger.”
“Did you sleep with him?” Why had he asked that? It wasn’t any of his business, but he couldn’t take it back and he really did want to know.
She flushed. “What? Of course not! It was one-sided and those feelings faded long before I took the assignment on the command ship.”
“He’s committed to Maggie.”
“I know that! I’m not after him. Anyway, it’s not like you have any room to talk.”
“What does that mean?”
“You’re still in love with Maggie. Every time she walks into a room, you act like she’s the only one there.”
“That’s ridiculous,” Corey protested automatically, but it wasn’t like he could deny he’d felt that way about Maggie. Now, though, they were still best friends. If he took extra notice of her, it was just because she was a familiar face on the Drastan ship. Nix made it sound like he was trying to win Maggie back. Could Nix be jealous? Was she interested in him?
He leaned over to whisper in her ear. “I’m not interested in Maggie in any way other than friendship. I’m free to pursue other...things.”
Leaning over her like this, his lips hovered just inches away. Their breaths mixed together so tantalizingly. He wanted to kiss her, feel her soft-looking lips against his. They were temptation themselves. He knew if he took a taste, it would never be enough. He would want more—all of her. His body tightened with need.
Corey wrapped an arm around her shoulder to slide her body against his side. Her small shiver reassured him that she was feeling the same desire that he was. Slowly he lowered his head further to finally taste those lips, but was interrupted. A throat being cleared somewhere close by stopped him from reaching heaven. He kept his hold on her so that she couldn’t move away from him as she startled too and tried to shift away.
“Easy, we’re supposed to be a couple traveling,” he whispered.
“You were going to kiss me,” she whispered back, glaring at him. There wasn’t real anger in her eyes, more desire and confusion.
Smiling, he nuzzled her neck. “A couple in love would be very affectionate. It’s all part of the role.”
“That was not part of the plan.”
He chuckled. “You and sticking to your plans. Think of it this way: When I was learning a particular hand-to-hand move, and I would have a hard time finding the opportunity to apply it because the other warriors would block it, do you remember what you would tell me?”
“Switch your moves to throw the other warriors off.”
“Exactly. The resistance might be looking for two warriors investigating things, but not a young couple in love traveling together. Switching our appearances will throw off the enemy.”
Nix bit her bottom lip, making his body react again. She really was the most beautiful woman he had ever met. So naturally sexy, and she didn’t even realize that about herself. It was like she had no idea of her appeal.
He knew, though, all too well. He had watched as one warrior after another flirted with her and tried to impress her with his skills. Corey admitted to being one of those men trying to get her attention, even if it just be casual back then. She’d always acted like she was immune, but he could tell he got to her sometimes. After getting to know her more, his admiration for her as a warrior had grown to match his desire. However, she always seemed to keep people at a distance, making it hard for anyone to know her on a more personal level.
Another image of them naked in a bed plagued him. The dreams of the two of them having sex had been coming to him more and more frequently and seemed more and more real. He was starting to suspect that maybe something had happened between them. How could he ever forget that, thou
gh? He was about to question her but she laid her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. He thought she looked like an angel, except for the dark circles of exhaustion under her eyes.
“It’s going to be half an hour to the next stop. Why don’t you take a little nap?”
“I’m fine.”
“We’ll take turns as we travel. I’ll take the first shift. Go on, nap, I’ll wake you when we get there.”
“I’ll just close my eyes for a few minutes.”
“No problem,” he pulled her closer and enjoyed the feeling of having her in his arms. He decided to appreciate this rare intimate moment with her, because he knew when they stopped, she’d be up and gone in a heartbeat.
Chapter 8
Thirty minutes later, Nix had woke up just as the subcar pulled to a stop at the next station’s platform. She’d only meant to close her eyes for a few minutes, but then her exhaustion had kicked in. She hadn’t been sleeping well, with those damn sex dreams of Corey keeping her up. How could she still be dreaming of it when he seemed so unaffected?
In the past, she’d had sex with males without a need for a serious relationship, but both parties always knew that up front and they’d parted on good terms. The way that Corey didn’t even acknowledge the event had her thinking that maybe, just maybe Corey really didn’t remember anything from their night together. Those drinks he’d had were pretty strong.
It was crazy to think that could be the case, but she had to give the possibility a thought. Would that change things for her? For him? What would he think if she said, “Hey, remember the night we had sex? No? Well, we did. Just so you know.” That sounded so ridiculous. Would he even believe her?
“What are you thinking about?” Corey asked as they stepped out of the subcar.
He groaned out loud. “I hate it when women say nothing, it always means there’s something but they don’t want to tell right away. It takes more effort to try to get that information out, so much talking, and in the end, it usually ends up not being worth all the effort.”
“With that type of attitude, no wonder you’re still left unmated.”
“Okay, that sounded sexist. Sorry about that. I meant that when people say nothing is wrong without giving me direct eye contact, it usually means there is a problem, at least to them.”
“Wow, the wisdom and insights just roll right off you.”
“Hey, I’m very insightful. You hurt my feelings by making fun of me.”
She laughed at the fake hurt expression he put on. “Okay, okay, Mr. Sensitive, where is your tribe located?”
“We’re not there yet, but I thought we would stop here to get the lay of the land. This area is one that’s being renovated. We can check to see how much progress is being made and how the security set up here is working.”
“Good idea. I’m concerned that the guards we met so far are letting any and everyone come and go as they please. I don’t want to dally too long though. If that injured human is getting treatment, we will need to move quickly enough to catch him without alerting the resistance.”
“The subcar will leave in about twenty minutes. It shouldn’t take that long to just take a quick look around.”
Nix let Corey lead her through the subway tunnel until it opened into the new underground market being constructed. She was impressed with how fast things were progressing. “These apartments will be ready for people to move in pretty soon. It looks great.”
“It does. The workers appear to be getting along. I think I see someone I recognize. Will you be okay if I leave you here for a few minutes?”
“I’m going to take a walk around the construction site, but I’ll keep my head down.” She watched Corey stride confidently toward a pretty young woman sitting on a bench seat watching the construction. The woman looked up at Corey and smiled wide at him with recognition and…affection. Nix felt a stabbing sensation of jealousy. Why was he so easy with other women, but with her, he acted like they had nothing? Well, that wasn’t fair, he was trying to reach out to her, but just as a friend. She couldn’t help but want more.
Forget about this! She had to concentrate on her job right now. Maybe once this mission was over, she and Corey could have a long talk. She walked around the construction site looking for anything unusual, but found nothing. At least the rebels weren’t sabotaging everything. One of the warriors she had been familiar with on the command ship spotted her. By the stars! She would have to think quick about what to do with the situation. She motioned for the warrior to be quiet but to follow her out of sight.
“Lieutenant Saber, I was not told you would be visiting this area.”
She had to be careful in what she said to him. She had helped train him and she thought he was a good male, but was he trustworthy? “Warrior Vendy, I ask that you forget that you saw me here today.”
He stilled, looking her over carefully, taking in her Earth clothing. “You’re on a mission?”
“Yes, a covert one. So, I need you to forget you saw me.”
“Are you on your own?” he sounded concerned.
Nix put a reassuring hand on his arm. “I’m not alone.”
Warrior Vendy looked relieved. She wasn’t sure if she should be grateful for his concern or insulted. Maybe all males acted this way toward females, overprotective. It was a pain in the ass. Looking at his genuine concern, she found she couldn’t really be angry with him for caring. It was kind of nice, in a way, to know that there were people who were concerned for her.
“I’m fine as long as you don’t tell anyone, even your fellow warriors, that I’m here.”
“I will do as you say, but please be careful.”
She smiled tightly, about to leave, but then decided she might as well question him. “Have there been any problems to arise among either the warriors or the humans?”
“A few small disagreements among the humans, but nothing that was not settled peacefully.”
“What was it about?”
“Living arrangements. A couple of humans wanted to have better living quarters than others, but all the apartments are being built the same except for the size. There were plenty of spaces to switch out, so they were easily resolved.”
“How are your interactions with the humans who are supposed to be helping with security?”
He sighed. “They do not feel that Drastans should be responsible for securing their own area. I have good relations with the humans, but some of the other warriors do not speak to the human guards if they show attitude.”
“Anything else?”
“A few pieces of equipment from the construction site went missing and we had to order replacements. It hasn’t been a real issue, though, just a setback.
Leaving him, she made her way back to where she had left Corey, only to find that he was watching her. He didn’t look happy about seeing her talking to Warrior Vendy.
“What was that about?” Corey demanded.
“Warrior Vendy recognized me. He’s a warrior that I personally trained. I asked him to not say anything about me being here.”
“Do you trust him?”
She took a deep breath. “I do.”
Corey paused, but then just nodded. “I found out that some equipment has gone missing.”
“That’s what Warrior Vendy told me as well, but he doesn’t consider it a real problem.”
“Ready to go?” he asked.
She walked next to him side by side to the waiting subcar. She moved back to where they had beeen sitting before. He sat down next to her but didn’t say anything until the rest of the people got in and the subcar started moving. She turned in her seat to look at him.
“Commander Estro didn’t tell us about any missing equipment.”
“No, he did not. Do you think the equipment was reported appropriately?” Corey asked.
“It’s a possibility. I’d like to see a report of any and all missing equipment. I’ll see who the lead war
rior is at the next stop.”
“The next stop was part of our original destination and we can get a place to sleep. They should have apartments with working showers, and we can get something to eat as well.”
“Once I find out who the warrior in charge is there, I can try to get that report.”
Nix watched as he closed his eyes and attempted to rest. He must be exhausted, given how she felt. “Get some sleep. I’ll let you know when we get to the next stop.”
She looked away from him, trying to remember to keep her head down so that no one would recognize her as not human. Corey leaned his head on her shoulder as he fell asleep. An older female smiled at them. They must look like a loving couple with their proximity. How strange to think that. She caught a reflection of them in the window and was shocked at how right they looked together. She placed her head against his and relaxed, enjoying the closeness for however long she could.
Twenty minutes later, they had reached the next stop. She wished it had lasted a little longer. It had been nice to be with Corey that way, even though he had been asleep most of the time. Just listening to his breathing was soothing to her. Of course, when he woke from his nap, all of that changed. She went from being soothed and relaxed to being alert and very aware of him as a male.
It was the way he looked at her. There was something in his eyes that had her feeling off kilter and unsure. Like he possessed knowledge of something that she didn’t really want him to know. Did he remember their night together? No, he would have said something. Corey was cocky; no way would he got that long without teasing her about it. What if he had, though? What would she do or say?
Corey greeted a human who must be the tribe leader. Nix kept herself back and silent so that no one would look too closely at her. Of course, keeping in the background allowed her to watch Corey, too. He was so easygoing, smiling and laughing with others. People responded to Corey in a way that they never did with her. She really admired him for that.
As a trainer, she was often seen as tough and unemotional. Many warriors didn’t even attempt to approach her for sex. The few that did were more often doing it as a type of challenge, a dare to see who was manly enough to get into her bed. She made a point to never sleep with anyone who was trying to win her just to score points.