Redemption (Earth Evolution Series Book 6) Page 3
“Go and prepare to depart. You have two days, but don’t talk about your mission with anyone. Liam and Kyle know about it, but no one else. We don’t want to leak this out since we still have rebel sympathizers of our own to battle.”
“Yes sir,” they chorused, and stood up to leave. Nix was out of there and halfway down the corridor before she felt a hand on her arm, pulling her to a stop.
Turning around, she glared at Corey. “What?”
“We need to talk.” Corey pulled her toward an private alcove.
“Let me go!” She jerked free of his grasp, furious that he would have the gall to grab her.
Once they were out of both sight and earshot of anyone passing by, Corey turned to glare down at her. Damn him for being those few inches taller, she hated looking up at him.
“What was that crap in there about me?”
“I don’t know…”
“Bullshit! Commander Estro asked me to come, but it was clear from the moment you stepped through the door that you weren’t happy about it. In fact, you haven’t seemed happy about me being on board the command ship and going through the warrior training for a single second. Have you been purposely sabotaging my training?”
She flinched at the tone of his voice. “No! I didn’t… It wasn’t on purpose. After yesterday, I thought about what you said and had to admit I wasn’t entirely fair to you. I was coming to talk to Commander Estro about having someone else take over your training.”
That information should have made Corey happy, but instead it seemed to only infuriate him more. “Dumping me off on someone else to make your life easier?”
“I was trying to do the right thing!”
Corey was about to respond, but then they were interrupted by little Thomas.
“Corey!” Thomas yelled out breaking away from his mother’s hand and running to jump in Corey’s arms.
“Did you hear that I’m going to be a big brother?”
“I did. Congratulations to you. You’re going to be the best one ever.”
Thomas beamed at him, and then turned to look at Nix shyly. He leaned to whisper, “Who’s that?”
Corey made the introductions, “Lieutenant Saber, this is Thomas, Lily and Jared’s son. Thomas, this is Lieutenant Nix Saber.”
“Are you a warrior?” Thomas asked, looking at her uniform.
Nix smiled gently. “I am.”
“But you’re a woman.”
Corey responded without thinking, “She certainly is.” He must not have meant to say that, because his face began to turn red, but he tried to cover it up by adding, “One of the best warriors I’ve ever met.” It warmed her on the inside to hear him say that and it sounded sincere. Seeing him hold little Thomas melted her.
“It’s nice to meet you, Thomas,” Nix said, staying focused on the boy so as not to have to meet Corey’s eyes.
Lily came forward. “Sorry, he got away from me.” They exchanged a few pleasantries before Lily and Thomas moved down the corridor. Corey turned to face Nix once more.
“Look, you don’t have to like me and I don’t have to like you. We have an assignment to complete and we need to be able to depend on one another to do what needs to be done. It could be dangerous in the tunnels, especially with the way the rebels have been striking out.”
She sighed, knowing he was right. “Fine. I’ll put aside my misgivings so that we can concentrate on this assignment. When we’re done, I’ll ask Commander Estro to have someone else take over your warrior training, to be fair to you.”
“It’s a deal.” Corey moved to let her leave and she felt the heat of his body as she passed by him. Damn, why did he have to be so attractive? She needed to get this mission over with as soon as possible, pass Corey on to someone else to deal with and keep her distance from the male from Earth.
She thought back to the first time she had met him. Commander Estro had brought him into her training center, disrupting a practice fight she was in the middle of. She locked eyes with Corey when she looked up, and totally didn’t see the fist coming straight for her face. She fell back hard, knocking the breath from her temporarily. A pale hand reached down to help her, and when she took it, it had changed her life forever.
“Let me help you up,” the thin, pale male said.
She took the hand, squeezing a little harder than necessary out of frustration. The male didn’t complain about the pain as he helped pull her back to her feet. Nix checked him over from head to foot. He was a few inches taller than her, with curly red hair, intense brown eyes, and unhealthily thin features, but still very attractive. It was his eyes that drew her in; they seemed to have a weight to them that she had only ever seen in much older, more seasoned warriors. It made her wonder what this male must have gone through to have eyes like that.
“Thanks,” she muttered, brushing nonexistent dirt off her ass self-consciously before she caught herself. Turning her gaze to Commander Estro, she asked, “What can I do for you Commander?”
“This is Corey Nash from Earth. He will be training full time as a warrior. Corey, this is Lieutenant Nix Saber, one of my top warrior trainers.”
She almost smiled at his praise, but then realized what he had just said about the Earth male. “Commander, no offense, but our warriors start warrior training at ten or twelve. This...Nash is much too old to begin our training program. And we don’t have any new trainees on board for him to train with, they’re all on Drasta. To start him at that low a level, it will take a very long time to reach warrior status.”
“We’re going to accelerate his training.”
“Excuse me?”
“I want you to create a special training plan for Nash that will allow him to advance quickly through the training. I want to see him far enough along in a year to be considered a Drastan warrior.”
A year?! She swallowed. By the stars! She had never heard of anyone speeding through the warrior training before. Who was this male and why did the commander take such an interest in him? She realized she had been staring at both of them with an incredulous expression on her face, her mouth hanging open in shock. Closing her mouth, she thought about what she wanted to say, firmly rejecting her initial response of “hell no,” because it was the commander asking this of her. He could have asked anyone, after all, but he chose her.
Sighing, she nodded. “Give me a few days to create a new training plan.”
“Very good, I knew I could count on you to handle Nash,” Commander Estro said, smiling at her proudly.
Still, she risked his ire by looking directly into Corey’s eyes and adding, “I expect your full attention. You will do everything I say to do without question. This is going to be hard enough on both of us and I’ll be overseeing every aspect of your training. I demand your dedication and your respect at all times.”
Corey’s eyes narrowed at her for a moment. It looked like he was about to tell her off, which she totally expected, hell, maybe even hoped for, so they could walk away from this insane idea. Then he smiled at her. That smile transformed his pale, thin face into something beautiful. Her heart thundered in her chest.
“Lieutenant Saber, I am all yours.”
Corey watched Nix walk away, a mixture of conflicting emotions swirling inside him. He was angry, of course, that she would so readily give him...his training over to someone else. But he was also anxious about the danger they might face on this mission. And, annoyingly, desire. He couldn’t deny his attraction to Nix any longer. He had been attracted to her from the first time he saw her and that attraction had built every day since, much as he had tried to ignore it.
Her take-charge attitude only turned him on. The fact that she could hold her own in a fight was sexy as hell. But then there were moments where he caught glimpses of her kind and gentle soul, like when she visited the wounded warriors, or looked at little Thomas. He was starting to realize that her tough exterior might be more a form of armor to protect her from be
ing her. It made him wonder who had caused her to be that way, cautious of letting anyone see her vulnerable side. Her smile lit the room and more than once he had caught himself trying to find ways to make her laugh.
Nix was beautiful inside and out, and it seemed like everything he learned only made him desire her more, which was kind of a problem, since he didn’t think she liked him at all. She had been the star of some of his more sexual dreams. Some of those dreams had seemed real; he would wake with her scent on him and the taste of her on his tongue. It left him hard and aching for a woman that couldn’t care less about him. A frustrating situation.
Corey had never prided himself on his looks, but he did know that the changes in his body from the Drastan treatments had done him a great deal of good. The treatments over the past year, along with Nix’s extensive training, had transformed his thin, weak body into a well-muscled machine. He was definitely more confident in his ability to handle himself and the weapons he had trained on. That mattered to him.
It had been hard for him, coming from living in the subway where every day was a struggle to survive. He hadn’t always been able to protect those he had cared about, although certainly not for lack of trying. His fists still clenched whenever he remembered his feelings of rage and helplessness after Maggie had been attacked. Now, watching Nix walk away, confident, strong, and sure, he tried to reconcile the knowledge that she could undoubtedly handle herself with the overwhelming feeling that he’d do anything to protect her. He wouldn’t fail a second time.
Chapter 4
The next morning
Nix walked around checking the shuttle that would take them down to the planet below. She would pilot the ship and Corey would act as her co-pilot. They would be leaving early to avoid others seeing them go. There were still Drastans on board that may tip off the rebels. While waiting for him to show up, she decided to do the inspection.
As a rule, she never flew a ship she hadn’t inspected herself prior to taking it out. It had been drilled into her during her training and she drilled it into the warriors she trained. She made sure that every bolt was in place and that all computer systems functioned properly.
Having already completed the computer diagnostics, she ran her hand over the sleek metallic material on the outside of the ship. It was made from a metal from the mountainous region of Drasta, pliable until tempered by the hottest fire. Once it cooled, it became the toughest material in the galaxy. Short of a laser blast, it would be nearly impenetrable.
On checking the other side of the ship away from the entrance of the docking bay, she could hear people approaching. Recognizing the voices, she froze, staying hidden so that she could listen to what they were saying.
“I wish you weren't going,” a woman’s voice said. Maggie.
Nix knew the pretty female had been someone that Corey had feelings for back when they were on Earth. Corey had actually come to the command ship for her mating ceremony, then stayed to train as a warrior. They were clearly still very close.
“I won’t be gone that long. We’ve both gone back to visit the tribes below before, and you know how important it is to reassure them that the Drastans are here to help them.”
“It’s not just that you’re going; it’s that you’ll be in danger. No one will tell me what this mission is, but I know it’s dangerous. I don’t like it.” There were tears in her voice.
Corey mumbled something reassuring. Nix couldn’t help it, she moved so she could peer around the side of the ship to look at them. Corey had his arms around Maggie, his back towards Nix. She felt a deep, sharp pain of jealousy pierce her heart. She clutched her chest as she pulled back quickly before she was seen.
Why did it hurt to see Corey with another female? She knew that Maggie was completely devoted to Liam, but hurt to see how emotionally close the two of them were. Had they been lovers back on Earth? She hadn’t thought so. Was that why he acted like their one night together never happened? Was he ashamed, or did it really not mean anything at all to him?
It was clear he still had feelings for Maggie. Nix didn’t want to be his second choice, or someone he used to dull his pain and longing for another female. That wasn’t fair to her or to him. He would eventually realize that she was too different from Maggie and would once more feel that emptiness.
She knew all too well what that emptiness was like. No matter how many achievements in school or warrior training she had made, nothing seemed to be enough. Nix always felt she had to prove herself. No romantic relationship satisfied her craving to be loved, to feel like she belonged with someone. Growing up with a no-show father in a home with a family that wasn’t hers had long ago established her feeling of being misplaced in life.
Realizing that she was still standing there hiding and spying, she straightened her shoulders and made sure her expression was blank. She wasn’t a coward, she could handle this situation. She walked out into the open and greeted them. “Warrior Nash, Maggie, it's good to see you.”
“Hi Nix. Are you going with Corey on this mission?”
She was surprised that neither Corey nor Liam had told Maggie that Nix was going on this mission. She couldn’t help but wonder why. “Yes, I’m lead on the mission.”
Maggie nodded, looking worried. “You’ll look after Corey, won’t you?”
Corey snorted. “I can take care of myself.”
“I used to have to check the area for mice before you went into a room. Excuse me for wanting to make sure someone has your back.”
Nix turned her head to hide her smile. So the story he had told her about the mice was true. She hastened to reassure Maggie, “He’s been trained, as long as he follows orders, he should be fine.”
Maggie still looked doubtful. “Maybe someone else should go…”
“Mags, this is my job. I’ve trained to be a warrior for almost a year now.”
“Tell me this mission isn’t dangerous,” Maggie demanded, wrapping her arms around her waist.
“No one can predict how their missions will turn out. I can tell you that I won’t take any unnecessary risks. I know what I’m doing. Trust me.”
Nix felt a little uncomfortable standing there watching them. She cleared her throat. “We need to go while it’s still early.”
Corey hugged Maggie one last time and had just started to turn toward the shuttle when Liam entered the bay. “Lieutenant Saber, I need a word with you.”
“Is something wrong?” she asked.
Liam stopped to take his mate Maggie into his arms and hugged her reassuringly. He whispered something in her ear before kissing the top of her head. He then motioned for her to wait for him at the entrance of the docking bay. Nodding at Corey, Liam moved past him and pulled Nix further away.
“Captain? Is there something wrong? Is there a change in the mission?”
“No changes in the mission. It’s just that this is one mission where you won’t have a fellow Drastan warrior to assist you. We’ve had debates over whether this was too dangerous for you to undertake, and let me tell you, it wasn’t an easy decision to make.”
She flinched. Nix had fought for years to prove herself, but her sex always seemed to come up whenever there was a serious mission involved. Well, too bad, she was seasoned and well trained. “Am I still sanctioned to go on this mission?” she asked stiffly.
“Yes, of course. I have faith in your abilities as a warrior. We all do. Otherwise my father wouldn’t have you training the others.”
“What’s the problem then?”
“You’ My father, my brothers, and I all think of you part of our extended family and we would hate it if something happened to you.”
Nix gulped back the emotions that were threatening to burst forth. She thought of the Estros as her family as well and had often wished that she had been born an Estro rather than a Saber. It meant a great deal to know that they cared for her as well. She felt heat rise to her cheeks. “I appreciate that, but I know what I’m doing.�
“Don’t take any risks if you can avoid them.”
“All missions pose a risk, but I won’t take any unnecessary ones,” she said, in an echo of Corey’s promise to Maggie.
“If you see or hear anything suspicious, report it back to us. Don’t act without backup.”
“I will do my best.”
He nodded once more before turning away. Nix watched as Liam walked over to take his mate in his arms, and then they walked out of the docking bay together. Turning, she found Corey with his eyes on her. She cleared her throat.
“I’ve already inspected the ship. Let’s go.”
She climbed into the small four-person shuttle, taking the pilot’s seat automatically, but then thought twice about it. She moved over to the co-pilot’s seat.
Corey stood there staring at her in surprise. “Really? You’re giving control over to me?”
“Just the flying part. You need the practice.”
Corey took the pilot’s seat and did the routine checks. He pushed the button to open communications with the control deck. “Shuttle 1231, ready to depart.”
“You’re set to go, 1231,” the response came back.
Nix nodded for Corey to proceed, and the shuttle rose up and out of the outer docking bay doors. As soon as they were clear, Corey maneuvered them out into dark space, redirecting them toward the planet below.
There were still dark clouds covering a good portion of the planet, caused by the nuclear disaster years ago. Nothing grew on the surface and wouldn’t for at least a good thirty years or more.
It was a horrific sight—nothing but a wasteland. Nix had personally never seen anything like it. Not even after having gone to planets recovering from war had she seen such devastation. The worst part was, it had been caused by what appeared to be a simple misunderstanding.
“I never get used to seeing it like this,” Corey commented, nodding toward the view of the planet.
“It’s a different view than what you were used to seeing.”
He snorted, “That’s an understatement. It’s not the world I grew up in, for sure.”